it is my say now перевод
- очередь за мной теперь говорить
- upon my say-so: Честное слово! синоним: upon my word
- didn't i say to make my abilities average in the next life?!: Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
- didn’t i say to make my abilities average in the next life?!: Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!
- it is impossible перевод
- it is interesting to me to перевод
- it is known перевод
- it is likely that перевод
- it is long time since перевод
- it is my turn перевод
- it is necessary перевод
- it is no go перевод
- it is no good перевод
- it is likely that перевод
- it is long time since перевод
- it is my turn перевод
- it is necessary перевод